Call To Order:






Ed Day, Dave DeBruyne, Dave McCrary, Bob Sheremeta, Geoff Silkey,






None Volunteers: None




Previous Minutes:

More care with subject line in future please. Mention of the Open in last month’s minutes referred to 2012 Open. Approved.

Financial Report:

Some cash redeposited for signup and Open payout and some will be redeposited from NWDS. Scorekeeper payment from 2012. Approved.




Officer Reports




Nothing to report


Vice President:

GS not going to try assassination – new tag line coming.



Trophies to be distributed. They belong to the bar.



There are some dues outstanding – some are whole team plus tavern fees. So there is more incoming pending.



Tape got mangled and the culprit and its partner have been taken out of rotation. No problems with scores being submitted to date.



Nothing to report.



Nothing to report


ADO Rep:

Feb 2nd qualifier was cancelled due to lack of interest. Feb 23rd is next one. NWDS drew 10 people and our winner has said he’s going to go. Pat Allen is the alternate.



Old Business:

Rochester Open - Wrapup: The Open turned a modest profit. The turnout was down a little over 100 entries due to lower turnout from Syracuse than expected and the unfortunate changed timing of some other tournaments. Shirts and cozies went over really well. Champion shirts are ordered and being sent out, with multiple events on a shirt if applicable. Need to decide if we want to sell off the boards and then buy more at Philadelphia again. 50/50 was actually paid out in total, half to chalkers, half to winner. Non-financial aspects of the Open can be discussed in March meeting.



Start Time Vote:  We want to have a revote of captains at midseason. There will be ballots and a check sheet to ensure one vote per team, plus board members.




By Laws:  Homework: Review and come to next meeting with suggestions for areas of change.



Website:  Nearly completed roll out of new look. Need to fix Facebook (take note Mark Z). Ideal is to have opt in subscription style services running for members and others who are interested rather than always sending out emails to announce things.

New Business:

Midseason Duties:  GS to run tournament via TioPro. 50/50 again? Yes. The other 50 can go to chalkers, in 1 or 2 installments rather than as a fundraiser. ED to take care of ballot. 4 boards should be plenty



Offer from potential board candidate: Trish has offered to help and has marketing experience and is keen to grow the GVDA. If we can find out what time she has available it would be great to get her on board in whatever capacity she can.







Open Discussion:

Rosters and Adds to Jon so that the database can be updated for next time. Pins – have they been ordered? ED to check.  Hotline – ED to keep for next meeting and assess frequency of obligation - may be put on rotation.




